










罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 目的

    newbb电子平台 is committed to achieving excellence in providing a 健康的 and safe working environment, and to supporting environmentally sound practices in the conduct of university activities. The implementation of this policy will ensure systematic integration of 安全 and environmental considerations into all university activities. This Policy on Safety Management applies to all members of the university community. This policy also applies to contractors whose work is directed on a day-to-day basis by university employees.

  2. 计划

    达到这个卓越的标准, the university will implement management initiatives and best practices to include 安全 and environmental considerations into university activities.

    newbb电子平台 will comply with applicable 安全 and environmental protection laws, 法规和要求. University activities are to be conducted in a manner that ensures the protection of 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 游客, 公众, 财产与环境.

    The university's goal is to prevent workplace 受伤 and illnesses, 环境事件, 以及财产损失或损坏. Achieving this goal is the responsibility of every member of the university community. Supervisors have particular responsibility for the activities of those people who report to them.

  3. 政策及程序

    This policy must be clearly communicated to members of the university community and university contractors. University expectations and commitments are expressed through this and other policies, 程序, 的指导方针, 和通知, 在合同规范中. The format for communicating specific expectations may vary from activity to activity, based on the nature and severity of the hazards of the operations being performed. Safety management relies on establishing objectives and on tracking performance with respect to achieving and maintaining compliance with health, 安全, 环境要求. The following 安全 principles are intended to provide directions to ensure safe activities from the inception of planning an activity through the actual performance.

    EHS将发布和维护信息, 的指导方针, 并在网上执行指令, 通过链接 http://www.OHIO.edu/ehs/, for each set of the specific 安全 principles outlined in this policy.

    1. 管理承诺和个人参与

      Safety Management is based on individual responsibility for 安全 and environmental stewardship. Managers at all levels must demonstrate commitment to the implementation and sustained execution of all elements of 安全. 教师, 工作人员, 学生, and 游客 support 安全 by understanding and using these principles in their activities at the university. Each individual is directly responsible for ensuring his or her own 安全 and for promoting a safe, 健康的, 以及环境友好型工作场所和社区.

    2. Management Responsibility for Safety and the Environment

      University employees who direct the activities of other individuals are responsible for protecting 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 游客, 公众, 还有环境, 并坚持这一政策. Accountability should be addressed in job descriptions, performance evaluations, and contracts.

    3. 建立明确的角色和职责

      The university will establish clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for ensuring 安全 and environmental protection at all organizational levels within the university, 还有大学承包商.

    4. 确保能力与责任相称

      Managers will ensure that employees possess the experience, 知识, 技能, and abilities necessary to perform their 安全 and environmental responsibilities.

    5. 平衡的优先级

      资源 will be effectively allocated to address 安全 and environmental protection in all university activities. 保护能力, 工作人员, 学生, 游客, 公众, 还有环境 is a priority whenever activities are planned and performed.

    6. 安全及环境标准及规定

      Before a member of the university community conducts an activity that has potential adverse implications for 安全 or the environment, a responsible party must evaluate the associated hazards and environmental impacts and identify the appropriate protective 安全 环境要求 to assure that 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 游客, 公众, 并保护环境免受不利影响. The principal responsibility for such an evaluation resides with employees and supervisors. The newbb电子平台 Environmental Health and Safety ("EHS") office is available for consultation and will assist with the identification of appropriate requirements, 控制, 和标准, 随着它们的实施.

    7. 鼓励持份者参与

      The university will implement a program of external communications, 公众参与, and stakeholder involvement to obtain 安全-related input from interested parties, 包括监管机构, 基金组织, 本地社区团体, 学生, 校友, 以及应急响应机构. The program will institute a 安全 communications network to address compliance and emergency situations.

    8. Hazard and Operational Controls for Specific Activities

      The university will adopt administrative and engineering 控制 for activities being performed to prevent and mitigate hazards and environmental impacts. The strategy employed will be to prevent damage by designing the activities and 控制 to reduce or eliminate accidents, 受伤, 曝光, and unplanned releases of harmful substances into the environment.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 总统

  2. 执行副校长兼教务长

  3. 行政工作人员

  4. 财务和行政副总裁

  5. 负责设施管理的副总裁

  6. Assistant 财务和行政副总裁 for Human 资源

  7. 负责安全和风险管理的助理副总裁

  8. 研究副总裁

  9. 学术院长

  10. 行政参议院

  11. 分类参议院

  12. 教师参议院

  13. 讨价还价的单位

  14. 政策及程序检讨委员会

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